What do you do the night before
your daughter's field trip
when you have a ton of felt hearts
left over?
You make a matching hair clip,
of course!
your daughter's field trip
when you have a ton of felt hearts
left over?
You make a matching hair clip,
of course!
This is just two extra felt hearts
that I embroidered free-hand
and sewed together
with a snap clip inside.
that I embroidered free-hand
and sewed together
with a snap clip inside.
It perfectly matched the school's
field trip shirt:

And what's hanging out
with your best friend
without a few goofy pictures?
(I'm pretty sure I told them to be sad in this one.)
field trip shirt:
And what's hanging out
with your best friend
without a few goofy pictures?
Make some Valentine
Hair Clips this year
for a little girl
....or yourself!
Hair Clips this year
for a little girl
....or yourself!

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