Monday, December 29, 2008

Brought to you by the letter T

Today's craft was brought to you by the letter T, for teacher. More specifically, One's kindergarten english teacher. Our neighborhood school has a dual-immersion program where half of their day is taught in english and half of their day is in spanish (so he also has a Spanish teacher). By the time they complete elementary school, the kids are completely bilingual. It's fantastic. This gift is for his english teacher. She is the most wonderful, stereotypically perfect kindergarten teacher. One comes home spouting all sorts of info and quirky little phrases to remember how to write numbers or how to be quiet. That one happens to be my favorite:

zip it
lock it
put it in your pocket

How perfect for a chatty 5 yr old! One very seriously informed me that that was about taking a pretend zipper and key to perform those functions. Silly mom! When I ask him where he learns all this fabulous info, his answer is almost always this teacher, Mrs P. I saw a gorgeous scarf during the holiday season and thought it would be perfect for Mrs P. Also very easy to make and inexpensive...about $3. I bought 6 inches of four coordinating fabrics (I know, I fudged the odd-number rule) and cut them into 2 1/2" and 4 1/2" strips. My pattern was three 2 1/2 inch strips, then one 4 1/2 strip. That design could be divided into enough pieces for THREE SCARVES!!! I also bought 6 inches of burgundy fleece to line it with so it will be extra cozy. Here is the front of it:

Those colors aren't accurate. The white is actually a nice creamy yellow. And the dark fabric isn't nearly so dark. It's actually really pretty and I'm hoping Mrs P will love it and know how much we appreciate her.

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