The idea is to trace their hands at regular intervals (I plan on doing it every Valentine's Day) and then put each year's new handprint behind all of the others (lining them up at the bottom) to see how they've grown. I've put all the kids' handprints together here so you could see what it should look like after a few years:
Isn't that adorable?
And then our church is having a "drive-in" tonight to watch Cars. Everyone is supposed to decorate a cardboard box to use as their "car. It could be a refrigerator box for the whole family to sit in or smaller boxes for individuals. Here are the kids with their 99cent boxes from Home Depot:
And here they are at the drive-in! They added lights, license plates, and grills(?). DaddyMan took care of the windows and doors. We brought snacks for them and had them wear their jammies since it would end after their normal bedtime.
It was so much fun! Check out the kids they were parked next to! They were all decked out....wrapped their cars in wrapping paper, hung "air freshener", and brought bean bags to sit cute!
And look at this bus!
I have seen Cars about a kajillion times. Seriously, we are on our 2nd dvd - there's really nothing like buying a movie you already own - because the first one started skipping after being much loved. So anyway, I used the time to work on the ruffle hat some more. Here's Two trying it on for me.
It's tighter than I thought even though I actually made a gauge this time! Who knows. But the directions said to knit it "as high" as you wanted it and then gave the directions for finishing it off...but I had no idea how much height that would add to it in the process sooooo....
I'm guessing it wouldn't be appropriate to wake Two up to find out?
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