One had his first real play date today. Such a big moment in his life and mine. We have known this family for several years and were so happy that our boys would go to school together. Would have a familiar face on that first day of kindergarten. Anyway, One called me to let me know he went home with MN.1 like he was supposed to (
thank you for having him do that!) and I gave him the whole "have fun, be good" talk. Yeah, yeah mom. One's big concern was that he didn't have his cub scout shirt for tonight. So, after promising that I would send the shirt with DaddyMan, One couldn't get off the phone fast enough. Can't imagine why he would want to play with his friend more than he would want to talk to me...
Word has it that they got ice cream after school for a snack. :o)
But I did finally get that picture of the kids that I meant to get on Sunday. Tonight at story time...

Two got tired of taking pictures and opened her book...

Three thought it looked so yummy, he wanted to try it!

Of course he did! Check out what book it was.
This favorite from my childhood. And I just love the laughter in the big kids' faces. It is my greatest hope that they always feel this close to each other.
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