Oh my! What a crazy past few days we've had! I realized after the kids went to bed that I didn't get a picture of them all today. Oh well, it's just another thing on my list that I'm behind on.
Soooo, to catch up...
Saturday, One and I went on a date to get his Cub Scout uniform. Waaay more pricey than I was thinking, but considering Cub Scouts is essentially free, I guess it all balances out. But One must be growing! He almost ate us out of house and home that day. He better not be trying to grow out of his uniform!
And One is feeling left out of the sewing fun and asked me to make him something. We came up with "Dark Vader" pajama pants and went to Joann's where he could pick out the perfect fabric, which ended up being solid black cotton. One more thing on my list but I know he'll love it.
Two has been feeling sick these last few days. A very weird illness where she would feel very icky in the morning but usually end up feeling back to normal by lunch-ish. We've been doing lots of snuggling. One morning she just knew she was going to throw up. I got her a bowl, which she put up to her face and then immediately fell asleep! Like any good mother, I, of course, took a picture.

That night she had her first accident ever. (TMI WARNING!!!) It was after 11pm and she woke up to go to the bathroom but didn't quite make it. Poor girl thinks she peed her pants but as all of us moms know, just because it's liquid, doesn't mean it's pee... Ugh. And of course all she wanted was for me to pick her up and hold her. It was so disgusting but you
know I did it. Now that's true love. But, she woke up this morning perky as all get-out so whatever it was has passed!
Earlier in the week I had made some felt hearts. I'm playing around with colors because I'd really like to make something valentine-y for the mantel, but these hearts were teeny and I ended up turning them into hair bows. And then, when I had my bow-making materials out, I was inspired to whip out some big bows. Because what do you do when your daughter doesn't always want to wear hair bows? You make bigger bows!

Two wore the big purple one today and it was adorable!
And then this afternoon, I had my girls small group. Or what used to be my girls small group. Remember being a teenage girl? Yes, well two of my (three) girls are not getting along at the moment, so neither one will come for fear that the other might be there.... which leaves just me and one girl. We have been knitting and I have gotten pretty far on the scarf I am making for my aunt that was just visiting.
But, tomorrow I have a play date with my friend who's baby is due soon. Remember
this that never happened? Yes, well I had big plans to sew this adorable toy that I saw in a book. And make her a meal to eat or freeze. Do I have all of the ingredients? No. Is the fabric dry to begin cutting? No. Oh well. I still have a few more weeks and besides, her ulterior motive is really to get her hands on my bebe au lait nursing cover so she can figure out how to make one of her own. Now that I can handle. Maybe she could do a tutorial?
So, sorry for the lame post. I hope to get back on track this week. I don't know if anyone even reads my blog to notice that I haven't been around but I am really loving doing it.